Senior’s voice #2 KUBOTA Hiroki
Graduated from:Matsumoto Technical High School

Touring on holidays with the seniors as a recreation
Able to talk about many topics… such freeness is also another appealing point of the company.
In the workplace, I manufacture metal dies by using a machine called a surface grinding machine. A metal die is literally a die made of metal, but it is an integral part which becomes the basis when making parts.
Of course, high precision is required in the process of manufacturing. It is a difficult task with no margins for the slightest error. I pay extreme care and sensitivity while working, but I also engage in my task by employing my original ideas as well.
For my recreation is my hobby, touring on motorcycles, on holidays. I started working in this company since I liked automobiles and found this company which produces automobile parts appealing. However, I started to grow interest in motorcycles while working, and obtained a medium-sized license. I usually enjoy touring within Nagano prefecture, but sometimes stretch my legs to the next prefecture, Yamanashi. There are people in the company who enjoy touring as their hobby, so we sometimes arrange to travel together. We can talk about a variety of topics other than work, making it refreshing.
Such a free environment which seniors and juniors can talk about anything without distinction may be an appealing point unique to this company. Such things mentioned outside of the workplace by the seniors can at times be a good advice for my work.
To the people who aim to join our company.
I feel, in the beginning, that it is important to listen carefully to what the superiors and seniors say. Since they have been engaging in that job longer than you, there must be important points and hints in what they say in order to carry out the task. Further, accomplish the task given to its full. You will not be given something impossible to achieve. Follow it through since it is something you will be able to perform if you sincerely face the task. It is not too late to express your own opinion afterwards. To accomplish the job given you is the obligation of a company worker, and a member of society is required to fulfill that obligation. Further, if troubles arise, tell your coworkers or seniors about that as soon as possible. I believe that it is always good to be conscious of these points on a day to day basis.