Management Philosophy
The Topy Industries Group Corporate Basic Philosophy
The Topy Industries Group will fulfill its responsibilities as a public institution and contribute to the realization of a sustainable recycling-oriented society through the continuation and development of its business.
The Topy Industries Group Corporate Code of Conduct
− To win the trust and respect of society –
Under the Corporate Philosophy, the management and employees of the Topy Industries Group shall strictly abide by all applicable
laws and ordinances, the spirit reflected, and the Corporate Code of Conduct, while accepting full corporate social responsibility and
fostering an open-minded and creative corporate culture.
Article 1 (For the benefit of customer)
Produce and supply, high-quality and safety-oriented merchandise and service to gain customers and consumer confidence.
Article 2 (For the benefit of society)
- Communicate widely with society as well as shareholders and actively disclose corporate information fairly and appropriately. Cooperate with local communities and actively work on social contribution activities as being a good corporate citizen.
- Oppose resolutely any anti-social forces and parties posing a menace to social orders and security.
Article 3 (For the benefit of employee)
Respect the individual character and personality of employees, and provide safe-working environments allowing them to work with enthusiasm, and attain fulfilling lives.
Article 4 (With the world)
Pay due respect to different cultures and customs of all countries and regions, and perform business activities to contribute to the development and well being of local communities.
Article 5 (With the environment)
Realize that a sensible approach to environmental conservation is essential to the existence and activities of the company, and behave voluntarily and actively.
Article 6 (Technology and know-how innovation)
Seek widely for knowledge and information both domestically and internationally, and continue the innovation of technology and knowhow by refining distinctive technologies and professional competence.
Article 7 (Fairness in corporative activities)
Operate business in a fair and transparent manner under free competition and appropriately keep an arm’s length distance from politics and administrative agencies.
Article 8 (Responsibilities of top management)
- Top management shall make example by leadership and inform the strict adherence to the Code of Conduct and ensure the compliance of the corporate ethics effectively administrating its management systems.
- If and when any of the Code of Conduct is violated, management shall demonstrate an indomitable determination to personally solve the issue by launching an investigation and shall take actions to prevent the recurrence of such incidents. At the same time, top management shall make full disclosure within and outside the company promptly and precisely, and, upon determining the source of competence and responsibility, impose strict disciplinary action against those held responsible.
The Topy Fasteners Group Management Vision
Topy Fasteners Group aims for continuous evolution into the future
with all Group employees work on “Imagination” and “Creativity” and grow on their own.
~ Personal growth drives Company growth ~