Environmental policy

Environmental slogan

Protect the rich nature of our beautiful home and the irreplaceable green earth!

Basic policy

Our company is located in Shinshu and Joshu, where the nature is abundant, and we have the basic policy to strongly recognize that the preserving of earth’s environment is the most important issue of all humankind and consider the preserving of environment in every aspect of our company activities and act accordingly.

Environmental policy

In the company’s business of manufacturing and selling industrial fasteners as well as other metal products, we shall conduct the environmental management activities noted below based on the basic policy.

1.We shall comply with laws and regulations as well as other requirements which our company has agreed in all business activities, and shall strive to coexist with the community.

2.We shall constantly take into account the effects imposed on the environment through our business activities, products and services, and set environmental objectives and goals and regularly conducting reviews, as well as engaging in continuous improvements on environmental stress and in the prevention of pollution.

3.As our endeavor to reduce the stress to the global environment, we shall positively develop policies according to the measures to prevent global warming, such as controlling the emission of greenhouse gasses, saving energy, recycling materials and preventing pollution. Further, we shall take the environment into account from the phase of product designing and strive to reduce the use of environmentally hazardous substances and endeavor to provide products which are conscious of the environment.

4.To improve the environmental performance, we shall regularly hold an internal audit and a management review, continuously improving the environmental management system.

5.This environmental policy will be executed and maintained by the environmental management system.

6.This environmental policy will be documented and be disseminated to all employees and to be released to outside of the company.

July 1, 2022
President, KOBAYASHI Hiroji
